Uninhabited - definição. O que é Uninhabited. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é Uninhabited - definição

Uninhabited island; Desert Island; Uninhabited islands; Uninhabited Island; Desert islands; Desert isle; Deserted island; List of uninhabited islands; 🏝; Deserted islands; 🏝️
  • The abandoned lighthouse at [[Klein Curaçao]]
  • Robinson Crusoe in an 1887 German illustration

¦ adjective without inhabitants.
An uninhabited place is one where nobody lives.
...an uninhabited island in the North Pacific...
The area is largely uninhabited.
= deserted
Deserted, unfrequented, solitary, lone, secluded, without inhabitants, abandoned, forsaken.


Desert island

A desert island, deserted island, or uninhabited island, is an island, islet or atoll that is not permanently populated by humans. Uninhabited islands are often depicted in films or stories about shipwrecked people, and are also used as stereotypes for the idea of "paradise". Some uninhabited islands are protected as nature reserves, and some are privately owned. Devon Island in Canada's far north is the largest uninhabited island in the world.

Small coral atolls or islands usually have no source of fresh water, but occasionally a freshwater lens can be reached with a well.

Exemplos de pronúncia para Uninhabited
1. Mostly uninhabited.
In the Kingdom of Ice _ Hampton Sides _ Talks at Google
2. It's uninhabited.
In the Kingdom of Ice _ Hampton Sides _ Talks at Google
3. it's hardly uninhabited.
4. on uninhabited land.
5. a similarly uninhabited territory
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para Uninhabited
1. Whole neighbourhoods still stand as uninhabited islands of despair.
2. The place was uninhabited, with no water, shade or vegetation.
3. On foot, searchers checked out dozens of small, uninhabited cays.
4. The north shores are dotted with smaller, uninhabited islands.
5. The target areas were believed to be uninhabited, a representative said.